import flask from werkzeug.datastructures import CombinedMultiDict from nyaa import app, db from nyaa import models, forms from nyaa import bencode, utils from nyaa import torrents from nyaa import backend from nyaa import api_handler from import search_elastic, search_db from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload import config import re import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta from ipaddress import ip_address import os.path import base64 from urllib.parse import quote import math from werkzeug import url_encode from itsdangerous import URLSafeSerializer, BadSignature import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formatdate from flask_paginate import Pagination DEBUG_API = False DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCH_RESULT = 1000 DEFAULT_PER_PAGE = 75 SERACH_PAGINATE_DISPLAY_MSG = ('Displaying results {start}-{end} out of {total} results.<br>\n' 'Please refine your search results if you can\'t find ' 'what you were looking for.') # For static_cachebuster _static_cache = {} def redirect_url(): url = flask.request.args.get('next') or \ flask.request.referrer or \ '/' if url == flask.request.url: return '/' return url @app.template_global() def static_cachebuster(filename): ''' Adds a ?t=<mtime> cachebuster to the given path, if the file exists. Results are cached in memory and persist until app restart! ''' # Instead of timestamps, we could use commit hashes (we already load it in __init__) # But that'd mean every static resource would get cache busted. This lets unchanged items # stay in the cache. if app.debug: # Do not bust cache on debug (helps debugging) return flask.url_for('static', filename=filename) # Get file mtime if not already cached. if filename not in _static_cache: file_path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, filename) file_mtime = None if os.path.exists(file_path): file_mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(file_path)) _static_cache[filename] = file_mtime return flask.url_for('static', filename=filename, t=_static_cache[filename]) @app.template_global() def modify_query(**new_values): args = flask.request.args.copy() for key, value in new_values.items(): args[key] = value return '{}?{}'.format(flask.request.path, url_encode(args)) @app.template_global() def filter_truthy(input_list): ''' Jinja2 can't into list comprehension so this is for the search_results.html template ''' return [item for item in input_list if item] @app.template_global() def category_name(cat_id): ''' Given a category id (eg. 1_2), returns a category name (eg. Anime - English-translated) ''' return ' - '.join(get_category_id_map().get(cat_id, ['???'])) @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found(error): return flask.render_template('404.html'), 404 @app.before_request def before_request(): flask.g.user = None if 'user_id' in flask.session: user = models.User.by_id(flask.session['user_id']) if not user: return logout() flask.g.user = user if 'timeout' not in flask.session or flask.session['timeout'] < flask.session['timeout'] = + timedelta(days=7) flask.session.permanent = True flask.session.modified = True if flask.g.user.status == models.UserStatusType.BANNED: return 'You are banned.', 403 def _generate_query_string(term, category, filter, user): params = {} if term: params['q'] = str(term) if category: params['c'] = str(category) if filter: params['f'] = str(filter) if user: params['u'] = str(user) return params @app.template_filter('utc_time') def get_utc_timestamp(datetime_str): ''' Returns a UTC POSIX timestamp, as seconds ''' UTC_EPOCH = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) return int((datetime.strptime(datetime_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') - UTC_EPOCH).total_seconds()) @app.template_filter('display_time') def get_display_time(datetime_str): return datetime.strptime(datetime_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') @utils.cached_function def get_category_id_map(): ''' Reads database for categories and turns them into a dict with ids as keys and name list as the value, ala {'1_0': ['Anime'], '1_2': ['Anime', 'English-translated'], ...} ''' cat_id_map = {} for main_cat in models.MainCategory.query: cat_id_map[main_cat.id_as_string] = [] for sub_cat in main_cat.sub_categories: cat_id_map[sub_cat.id_as_string] = [,] return cat_id_map # Routes start here # def chain_get(source, *args): ''' Tries to return values from source by the given keys. Returns None if none match. Note: can return a None from the source. ''' sentinel = object() for key in args: value = source.get(key, sentinel) if value is not sentinel: return value return None @app.route('/rss', defaults={'rss': True}) @app.route('/', defaults={'rss': False}) def home(rss): render_as_rss = rss req_args = flask.request.args if req_args.get('page') == 'rss': render_as_rss = True search_term = chain_get(req_args, 'q', 'term') sort_key = req_args.get('s') sort_order = req_args.get('o') category = chain_get(req_args, 'c', 'cats') quality_filter = chain_get(req_args, 'f', 'filter') user_name = chain_get(req_args, 'u', 'user') page_number = chain_get(req_args, 'p', 'page', 'offset') try: page_number = max(1, int(page_number)) except (ValueError, TypeError): page_number = 1 # Check simply if the key exists use_magnet_links = 'magnets' in req_args or 'm' in req_args results_per_page = app.config.get('RESULTS_PER_PAGE', DEFAULT_PER_PAGE) user_id = None if user_name: user = models.User.by_username(user_name) if not user: flask.abort(404) user_id = special_results = { 'first_word_user': None, 'query_sans_user': None, 'infohash_torrent': None } # Add advanced features to searches (but not RSS or user searches) if search_term and not render_as_rss and not user_id: # Check if the first word of the search is an existing user user_word_match = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+) *(.*|$)', search_term) if user_word_match: special_results['first_word_user'] = models.User.by_username( special_results['query_sans_user'] = # Check if search is a 40-char torrent hash infohash_match = re.match(r'(?i)^([a-f0-9]{40})$', search_term) if infohash_match: # Check for info hash in database matched_torrent = models.Torrent.by_info_hash_hex( special_results['infohash_torrent'] = matched_torrent query_args = { 'user': user_id, 'sort': sort_key or 'id', 'order': sort_order or 'desc', 'category': category or '0_0', 'quality_filter': quality_filter or '0', 'page': page_number, 'rss': render_as_rss, 'per_page': results_per_page } if flask.g.user: query_args['logged_in_user'] = flask.g.user if flask.g.user.is_moderator: # God mode query_args['admin'] = True infohash_torrent = special_results.get('infohash_torrent') if infohash_torrent: # infohash_torrent is only set if this is not RSS or userpage search flask.flash(flask.Markup('You were redirected here because ' 'the given hash matched this torrent.'), 'info') # Redirect user from search to the torrent if we found one with the specific info_hash return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('view_torrent', # If searching, we get results from elastic search use_elastic = app.config.get('USE_ELASTIC_SEARCH') if use_elastic and search_term: query_args['term'] = search_term max_search_results = app.config.get('ES_MAX_SEARCH_RESULT', DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCH_RESULT) # Only allow up to (max_search_results / page) pages max_page = min(query_args['page'], int(math.ceil(max_search_results / results_per_page))) query_args['page'] = max_page query_args['max_search_results'] = max_search_results query_results = search_elastic(**query_args) if render_as_rss: return render_rss( '"{}"'.format(search_term), query_results, use_elastic=True, magnet_links=use_magnet_links) else: rss_query_string = _generate_query_string( search_term, category, quality_filter, user_name) max_results = min(max_search_results, query_results['hits']['total']) # change p= argument to whatever you change page_parameter to or pagination breaks pagination = Pagination(p=query_args['page'], per_page=results_per_page, total=max_results, bs_version=3, page_parameter='p', display_msg=SERACH_PAGINATE_DISPLAY_MSG) return flask.render_template('home.html', use_elastic=True, pagination=pagination, torrent_query=query_results, search=query_args, rss_filter=rss_query_string, special_results=special_results) else: # If ES is enabled, default to db search for browsing if use_elastic: query_args['term'] = '' else: # Otherwise, use db search for everything query_args['term'] = search_term or '' query = search_db(**query_args) if render_as_rss: return render_rss('Home', query, use_elastic=False, magnet_links=use_magnet_links) else: rss_query_string = _generate_query_string( search_term, category, quality_filter, user_name) # Use elastic is always false here because we only hit this section # if we're browsing without a search term (which means we default to DB) # or if ES is disabled return flask.render_template('home.html', use_elastic=False, torrent_query=query, search=query_args, rss_filter=rss_query_string, special_results=special_results) @app.route('/user/<user_name>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def view_user(user_name): user = models.User.by_username(user_name) if not user: flask.abort(404) admin_form = None if flask.g.user and flask.g.user.is_moderator and flask.g.user.level > user.level: admin_form = forms.UserForm() default, admin_form.user_class.choices = _create_user_class_choices(user) if flask.request.method == 'GET': = default if flask.request.method == 'POST' and admin_form and admin_form.validate(): selection = if selection == 'regular': user.level = models.UserLevelType.REGULAR elif selection == 'trusted': user.level = models.UserLevelType.TRUSTED elif selection == 'moderator': user.level = models.UserLevelType.MODERATOR db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('view_user', user_name=user.username)) user_level = ['Regular', 'Trusted', 'Moderator', 'Administrator'][user.level] req_args = flask.request.args search_term = chain_get(req_args, 'q', 'term') sort_key = req_args.get('s') sort_order = req_args.get('o') category = chain_get(req_args, 'c', 'cats') quality_filter = chain_get(req_args, 'f', 'filter') page_number = chain_get(req_args, 'p', 'page', 'offset') try: page_number = max(1, int(page_number)) except (ValueError, TypeError): page_number = 1 results_per_page = app.config.get('RESULTS_PER_PAGE', DEFAULT_PER_PAGE) query_args = { 'term': search_term or '', 'user':, 'sort': sort_key or 'id', 'order': sort_order or 'desc', 'category': category or '0_0', 'quality_filter': quality_filter or '0', 'page': page_number, 'rss': False, 'per_page': results_per_page } if flask.g.user: query_args['logged_in_user'] = flask.g.user if flask.g.user.is_moderator: # God mode query_args['admin'] = True # Use elastic search for term searching rss_query_string = _generate_query_string(search_term, category, quality_filter, user_name) use_elastic = app.config.get('USE_ELASTIC_SEARCH') if use_elastic and search_term: query_args['term'] = search_term max_search_results = app.config.get('ES_MAX_SEARCH_RESULT', DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCH_RESULT) # Only allow up to (max_search_results / page) pages max_page = min(query_args['page'], int(math.ceil(max_search_results / results_per_page))) query_args['page'] = max_page query_args['max_search_results'] = max_search_results query_results = search_elastic(**query_args) max_results = min(max_search_results, query_results['hits']['total']) # change p= argument to whatever you change page_parameter to or pagination breaks pagination = Pagination(p=query_args['page'], per_page=results_per_page, total=max_results, bs_version=3, page_parameter='p', display_msg=SERACH_PAGINATE_DISPLAY_MSG) return flask.render_template('user.html', use_elastic=True, pagination=pagination, torrent_query=query_results, search=query_args, user=user, user_page=True, rss_filter=rss_query_string, level=user_level, admin_form=admin_form) # Similar logic as home page else: if use_elastic: query_args['term'] = '' else: query_args['term'] = search_term or '' query = search_db(**query_args) return flask.render_template('user.html', use_elastic=False, torrent_query=query, search=query_args, user=user, user_page=True, rss_filter=rss_query_string, level=user_level, admin_form=admin_form) @app.template_filter('rfc822') def _jinja2_filter_rfc822(date, fmt=None): return formatdate(float(date.strftime('%s'))) @app.template_filter('rfc822_es') def _jinja2_filter_rfc822(datestr, fmt=None): return formatdate(float(datetime.strptime(datestr, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').strftime('%s'))) def render_rss(label, query, use_elastic, magnet_links=False): rss_xml = flask.render_template('rss.xml', use_elastic=use_elastic, magnet_links=magnet_links, term=label, site_url=flask.request.url_root, torrent_query=query) response = flask.make_response(rss_xml) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' # Cache for an hour response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age={}'.format(1 * 5 * 60) return response # @app.route('/about', methods=['GET']) # def about(): # return flask.render_template('about.html') @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login(): if flask.g.user: return flask.redirect(redirect_url()) form = forms.LoginForm(flask.request.form) if flask.request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): username = password = user = models.User.by_username(username) if not user: user = models.User.by_email(username) if (not user or password != user.password_hash or user.status == models.UserStatusType.INACTIVE): flask.flash(flask.Markup( '<strong>Login failed!</strong> Incorrect username or password.'), 'danger') return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('login')) user.last_login_date = datetime.utcnow() user.last_login_ip = ip_address(flask.request.remote_addr).packed db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() flask.g.user = user flask.session['user_id'] = flask.session.permanent = True flask.session.modified = True return flask.redirect(redirect_url()) return flask.render_template('login.html', form=form) @app.route('/logout') def logout(): flask.g.user = None flask.session.permanent = False flask.session.modified = False response = flask.make_response(flask.redirect(redirect_url())) response.set_cookie(app.session_cookie_name, expires=0) return response @app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def register(): if flask.g.user: return flask.redirect(redirect_url()) form = forms.RegisterForm(flask.request.form) if flask.request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): user = models.User(,, user.last_login_ip = ip_address(flask.request.remote_addr).packed db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() if config.USE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION: # force verification, enable email activ_link = get_activation_link(user) send_verification_email(, activ_link) return flask.render_template('waiting.html') else: # disable verification, set user as active and auto log in user.status = models.UserStatusType.ACTIVE db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() flask.g.user = user flask.session['user_id'] = flask.session.permanent = True flask.session.modified = True return flask.redirect(redirect_url()) return flask.render_template('register.html', form=form) @app.route('/profile', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def profile(): if not flask.g.user: return flask.redirect('/') # so we dont get stuck in infinite loop when signing out form = forms.ProfileForm(flask.request.form) if flask.request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): user = flask.g.user new_email = new_password = if new_email: # enforce password check on email change too if != user.password_hash: flask.flash(flask.Markup( '<strong>Email change failed!</strong> Incorrect password.'), 'danger') return flask.redirect('/profile') = flask.flash(flask.Markup( '<strong>Email successfully changed!</strong>'), 'success') if new_password: if != user.password_hash: flask.flash(flask.Markup( '<strong>Password change failed!</strong> Incorrect password.'), 'danger') return flask.redirect('/profile') user.password_hash = flask.flash(flask.Markup( '<strong>Password successfully changed!</strong>'), 'success') db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() flask.g.user = user return flask.redirect('/profile') return flask.render_template('profile.html', form=form) @app.route('/user/activate/<payload>') def activate_user(payload): s = get_serializer() try: user_id = s.loads(payload) except BadSignature: flask.abort(404) user = models.User.by_id(user_id) if not user: flask.abort(404) user.status = models.UserStatusType.ACTIVE db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() return flask.redirect('/login') @utils.cached_function def _create_upload_category_choices(): ''' Turns categories in the database into a list of (id, name)s ''' choices = [('', '[Select a category]')] id_map = get_category_id_map() for key in sorted(id_map.keys()): cat_names = id_map[key] is_main_cat = key.endswith('_0') # cat_name = is_main_cat and cat_names[0] or (' - ' + cat_names[1]) cat_name = ' - '.join(cat_names) choices.append((key, cat_name, is_main_cat)) return choices @app.route('/upload', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def upload(): upload_form = forms.UploadForm(CombinedMultiDict((flask.request.files, flask.request.form))) upload_form.category.choices = _create_upload_category_choices() if flask.request.method == 'POST' and upload_form.validate(): torrent = backend.handle_torrent_upload(upload_form, flask.g.user) return flask.redirect('/view/' + str( else: # If we get here with a POST, it means the form data was invalid: return a non-okay status status_code = 400 if flask.request.method == 'POST' else 200 return flask.render_template('upload.html', upload_form=upload_form), status_code @app.route('/view/<int:torrent_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def view_torrent(torrent_id): if flask.request.method == 'POST': torrent = models.Torrent.by_id(torrent_id) else: torrent = models.Torrent.query \ .options(joinedload('filelist'), joinedload('comments')) \ .filter_by(id=torrent_id) \ .first() if not torrent: flask.abort(404) # Only allow admins see deleted torrents if torrent.deleted and not (flask.g.user and flask.g.user.is_moderator): flask.abort(404) comment_form = None if flask.g.user: comment_form = forms.CommentForm() if flask.request.method == 'POST': if not flask.g.user: flask.abort(403) if comment_form.validate(): comment_text = ( or '').strip() comment = models.Comment( torrent_id=torrent_id,, text=comment_text) db.session.add(comment) db.session.flush() torrent_count = torrent.update_comment_count() db.session.commit() flask.flash('Comment successfully posted.', 'success') return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('view_torrent', torrent_id=torrent_id, _anchor='com-' + str(torrent_count))) # Only allow owners and admins to edit torrents can_edit = flask.g.user and (flask.g.user is torrent.user or flask.g.user.is_moderator) files = None if torrent.filelist: files = json.loads(torrent.filelist.filelist_blob.decode('utf-8')) report_form = forms.ReportForm() return flask.render_template('view.html', torrent=torrent, files=files, comment_form=comment_form, comments=torrent.comments, can_edit=can_edit, report_form=report_form) @app.route('/view/<int:torrent_id>/comment/<int:comment_id>/delete', methods=['POST']) def delete_comment(torrent_id, comment_id): if not flask.g.user: flask.abort(403) torrent = models.Torrent.by_id(torrent_id) if not torrent: flask.abort(404) comment = models.Comment.query.filter_by(id=comment_id).first() if not comment: flask.abort(404) if not ( == or flask.g.user.is_moderator): flask.abort(403) db.session.delete(comment) db.session.flush() torrent.update_comment_count() db.session.commit() flask.flash('Comment successfully deleted.', 'success') return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('view_torrent', torrent_id=torrent_id)) @app.route('/view/<int:torrent_id>/edit', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def edit_torrent(torrent_id): torrent = models.Torrent.by_id(torrent_id) form = forms.EditForm(flask.request.form) form.category.choices = _create_upload_category_choices() editor = flask.g.user if not torrent: flask.abort(404) # Only allow admins edit deleted torrents if torrent.deleted and not (flask.g.user and flask.g.user.is_moderator): flask.abort(404) # Only allow torrent owners or admins edit torrents if not flask.g.user or not (flask.g.user is torrent.user or flask.g.user.is_moderator): flask.abort(403) if flask.request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): # Form has been sent, edit torrent with data. torrent.main_category_id, torrent.sub_category_id = \ form.category.parsed_data.get_category_ids() torrent.display_name = ( or '').strip() torrent.information = ( or '').strip() torrent.description = ( or '').strip() torrent.hidden = torrent.remake = torrent.complete = torrent.anonymous = if flask.g.user.is_trusted: torrent.trusted = if flask.g.user.is_moderator: torrent.deleted = db.session.commit() flask.flash(flask.Markup( 'Torrent has been successfully edited! Changes might take a few minutes to show up.'), 'info') return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('view_torrent', else: if flask.request.method != 'POST': # Fill form data only if the POST didn't fail = torrent.sub_category.id_as_string = torrent.display_name = torrent.information = torrent.description = torrent.hidden = torrent.remake = torrent.complete = torrent.anonymous = torrent.trusted = torrent.deleted return flask.render_template('edit.html', form=form, torrent=torrent) @app.route('/view/<int:torrent_id>/magnet') def redirect_magnet(torrent_id): torrent = models.Torrent.by_id(torrent_id) if not torrent: flask.abort(404) return flask.redirect(torrents.create_magnet(torrent)) @app.route('/view/<int:torrent_id>/torrent') @app.route('/download/<int:torrent_id>.torrent') def download_torrent(torrent_id): torrent = models.Torrent.by_id(torrent_id) if not torrent or not torrent.has_torrent: flask.abort(404) resp = flask.Response(_get_cached_torrent_file(torrent)) resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-bittorrent' resp.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename="{0}"; filename*=UTF-8\'\'{0}'.format( quote(torrent.torrent_name.encode('utf-8'))) return resp @app.route('/view/<int:torrent_id>/submit_report', methods=['POST']) def submit_report(torrent_id): if not flask.g.user: flask.abort(403) form = forms.ReportForm(flask.request.form) if flask.request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): report_reason = current_user_id = report = models.Report( torrent_id=torrent_id, user_id=current_user_id, reason=report_reason) db.session.add(report) db.session.commit() flask.flash('Successfully reported torrent!', 'success') return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('view_torrent', torrent_id=torrent_id)) @app.route('/reports', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def view_reports(): if not flask.g.user or not flask.g.user.is_moderator: flask.abort(403) page = flask.request.args.get('p', flask.request.args.get('offset', 1, int), int) reports = models.Report.not_reviewed(page) report_action = forms.ReportActionForm(flask.request.form) if flask.request.method == 'POST' and report_action.validate(): action = torrent_id = report_id = torrent = models.Torrent.by_id(torrent_id) report = models.Report.by_id(report_id) if not torrent or not report or report.status != 0: flask.abort(404) else: if action == 'delete': torrent.deleted = True report.status = 1 elif action == 'hide': torrent.hidden = True report.status = 1 else: report.status = 2 models.Report.remove_reviewed(torrent_id) db.session.commit() flask.flash('Closed report #{}'.format(, 'success') return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('view_reports')) return flask.render_template('reports.html', reports=reports, report_action=report_action) def _get_cached_torrent_file(torrent): # Note: obviously temporary cached_torrent = os.path.join(app.config['BASE_DIR'], 'torrent_cache', str( + '.torrent') if not os.path.exists(cached_torrent): with open(cached_torrent, 'wb') as out_file: out_file.write(torrents.create_bencoded_torrent(torrent)) return open(cached_torrent, 'rb') def get_serializer(secret_key=None): if secret_key is None: secret_key = app.secret_key return URLSafeSerializer(secret_key) def get_activation_link(user): s = get_serializer() payload = s.dumps( return flask.url_for('activate_user', payload=payload, _external=True) def send_verification_email(to_address, activ_link): ''' this is until we have our own mail server, obviously. This can be greatly cut down if on same machine. probably can get rid of all but msg formatting/building, init line and sendmail line if local SMTP server ''' msg_body = 'Please click on: ' + activ_link + ' to activate your account.\n\n\nUnsubscribe:' msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['Subject'] = 'Verification Link' msg['From'] = config.MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS msg['To'] = to_address msg.attach(MIMEText(msg_body, 'plain')) server = smtplib.SMTP(config.SMTP_SERVER, config.SMTP_PORT) server.set_debuglevel(1) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login(config.SMTP_USERNAME, config.SMTP_PASSWORD) server.sendmail(config.SMTP_USERNAME, to_address, msg.as_string()) server.quit() def _create_user_class_choices(user): choices = [('regular', 'Regular')] default = 'regular' if flask.g.user: if flask.g.user.is_moderator: choices.append(('trusted', 'Trusted')) if flask.g.user.is_superadmin: choices.append(('moderator', 'Moderator')) if user: if user.is_moderator: default = 'moderator' elif user.is_trusted: default = 'trusted' return default, choices @app.template_filter() def timesince(dt, default='just now'): """ Returns string representing "time since" e.g. 3 minutes ago, 5 hours ago etc. Date and time (UTC) are returned if older than 1 day. """ now = datetime.utcnow() diff = now - dt periods = ( (diff.days, 'day', 'days'), (diff.seconds / 3600, 'hour', 'hours'), (diff.seconds / 60, 'minute', 'minutes'), (diff.seconds, 'second', 'seconds'), ) if diff.days >= 1: return dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC') else: for period, singular, plural in periods: if period >= 1: return '%d %s ago' % (period, singular if int(period) == 1 else plural) return default # #################################### STATIC PAGES #################################### @app.route('/rules', methods=['GET']) def site_rules(): return flask.render_template('rules.html') @app.route('/help', methods=['GET']) def site_help(): return flask.render_template('help.html') @app.route('/xmlns/nyaa', methods=['GET']) def xmlns_nyaa(): return flask.render_template('xmlns.html') # #################################### API ROUTES #################################### app.register_blueprint(api_handler.api_blueprint, url_prefix='/api')