{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %}{{ torrent.display_name }} :: {{ config.SITE_NAME }}{% endblock %} {% block body %} {% from "_formhelpers.html" import render_field %}

{% if can_edit %} {% endif %} {{ torrent.display_name }}

{{ torrent.created_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC') }}
{% set user_url = torrent.user and url_for('view_user', user_name=torrent.user.username) %} {%- if not torrent.anonymous and torrent.user -%} {{ torrent.user.username }} {%- else -%} Anonymous {% if torrent.user and (g.user == torrent.user or g.user.is_moderator) %}({{ torrent.user.username }}){% endif %} {%- endif -%} {% if g.user and g.user.is_superadmin and torrent.uploader_ip %} ({{ torrent.uploader_ip_string }}) {% endif %}
{% if config.ENABLE_SHOW_STATS %}{{ torrent.stats.seed_count }}{% else %}Coming soon{% endif %}
{% if torrent.information %} {{ torrent.information_as_link | safe }} {% else %} No information. {% endif%}
{% if config.ENABLE_SHOW_STATS %}{{ torrent.stats.leech_count }}{% else %}Coming soon{% endif %}
File size:
{{ torrent.filesize | filesizeformat(True) }}
{% if config.ENABLE_SHOW_STATS %}{{ torrent.stats.download_count }}{% else %}Coming soon{% endif %}
{% if torrent.description %} {# Escape newlines into html entities because CF strips blank newlines #} {{ torrent.description | escape | replace('\r\n', '\n') | replace('\n', ' '|safe) }} {% else %} #### No description. {% endif%}
{% if files and files.__len__() <= config.MAX_FILES_VIEW %}

{%- for key, value in files.items() recursive %} {%- if value is iterable %} {{ loop(value.items()) }} {%- else %}  {{ key }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %}
Path Size
  {{ key }} {{ value | filesizeformat(True) }}
{% elif files %}

Too many files to display.

{% else %}

File list is not available for this torrent.

{% endif %}

Comments - {{ comments | length }}

{% for comment in comments %}

{{ comment.user.username }} {% if comment.user.id == torrent.uploader_id and not torrent.anonymous %} (uploader) {% endif %}

{{ comment.user.userlevel_str }}

{{ comment.created_time | timesince }} {% if g.user.is_moderator or g.user.id == comment.user_id %}
{% endif %}
{# Escape newlines into html entities because CF strips blank newlines #}
{{ comment.text }}
{% endfor %} {% if comment_form %}
{{ comment_form.csrf_token }} {{ render_field(comment_form.comment, class_='form-control') }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}