{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %}Help :: {{ config.SITE_NAME }}{% endblock %} {% block body %} {% macro linkable_header(heading, label) %}

{{ heading }}

{% endmacro %}

Using the Site

{{ linkable_header("Torrent Colors", "torrent-colors") }}
Green (trusted) entries are: Red (repack) entries are torrents that match any of the following: Orange (collection) entries are: Grey entries are:
{{ linkable_header("Using the Search Engine", "using-search") }}
Search results can be filtered by category, edited, trusted, and users. The results can be further sorted by size, date, seeders, leechers, completed count, and comment count.
You can combine search terms with the | operator, such as foo|bar, to match any of the words instead all of them.
To exclude results matching a certain word, prefix them with -, e.g. foo -bar, which will return torrents with foo in the name, but not those which have bar in the name as well.
If you want to search for a several-word expression (substring) in its entirety, you can surround searches with " (double quotes), such as "foo bar", which would match torrents named foo bar but not those named bar foo. You may also use the aforementioned | to group phrases together: "foo bar"|"foo baz". You can negate the entire group with - (e.g. -"foo bar"|"foo baz"), but not single items.
You can also use ( and ) to signify precedence, but quoted strings do not honor this. Using (hello world) "foo bar" is fine, but quoted strings inside the parentheses will lead to unexpected results.
{{ linkable_header("Reporting Torrents", "reporting") }}
If you find a torrent that breaks the rules, click the button to the right of the torrent's information page. Then, enter a reason for your report in the dialog that opens, and hit the button to confirm.
{{ linkable_header("Styling Descriptions and Comments", "styling") }}
You can style your comments and your torrent's description using Markdown. This includes adding images or linking to external websites.
To link to an external site, use [label](https://example.com) where the text in the [] square brackets is the shown text of your link, and the URL in the () parentheses is the URL your link will point to.
Embedding an image is similar. Use ![alt text](https://example.com/image.jpg) to have an image embedded in your comment or description. Note the ! exclamation mark at the beginning, denoting that this link is an image.
{{ linkable_header("Changing Your User's Avatar", "avatar") }}
The site uses the Gravatar service for user avatars. Check out Gravatar's help section for more detailed instructions. Gravatar is disabled until further notice.
{{ linkable_header("Deleting Your Torrent", "delete") }}
If you wish to delete one of your torrents, navigate to the torrent's page, click the Edit () icon on the top left, scroll down and hit the button.
{{ linkable_header("Getting Trusted Status", "trusted") }}
At the moment we have no established process for granting trusted status to users. Please contact the team if you'd like to apply as a trusted user.

Copyright infringement

If you are a copyright holder and believe that your work is being hosted on this platform without your permission, please contact us at pbagnpg@flagubevn.zbr (ROT13 encoded). We take copyright infringement seriously and will promptly remove any infringing content upon receipt of a valid takedown notice. Please provide us with sufficient information to identify the copyrighted work, such as the title, description, and URL of the infringing content, as well as proof of your ownership or rights to the work. We will respond to all valid takedown notices and work with you to resolve the issue promptly.


Synthoria Archive is based on NyaaV3 and licensed under GPLv3. Source code available here.

{% endblock %}