Synthoria XML Namespace
You found this page because our RSS feeds contain an URL that links here. Said URL is not an actual page but rather a unique identifier used to prevent name collisions with other XML namespaces.
The namespace contains the following additional, informational tags:
holds the current amount of seeders on the respective torrent. -
holds the current amount of leechers on the respective torrent. -
counts the downloads the torrent got up to the point the feed was refreshed. -
is the torrent's infohash, a unique identifier, in hexadecimal. -
contains the ID of the category containing the upload in the formcategory_subcategory
. -
contains the written name of the torrent's category in the formCategory - Subcategory
. -
indicates the torrent's download size to one decimal place, using a magnitude prefix according to ISO/IEC 80000-13. -
indicates whether the torrent came from a trusted uploader (YES or NO). -
indicates whether the torrent was a remake (YES or NO). -
holds the current amount of comments made on the respective torrent.