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mirror of https://github.com/ProjectSynthoria/SynthoriaArchive.git synced 2025-03-12 23:36:54 +02:00
TheAMM cf77b03a6f Convert UTC to local time in JS
Also adds classes to row headers to accurately access them in JS.
Updates the serverside date format in view.html to match YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
2017-05-14 11:23:02 +03:00

143 lines
4.4 KiB

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { // wait for content to load because this script is above the link
document.getElementById('themeToggle').addEventListener('click', function(e) { // listen for click event
e.preventDefault(); // keep link from default action, which going to top of the page
toggleDarkMode(); // toggle theme
// Credit: https://www.abeautifulsite.net/whipping-file-inputs-into-shape-with-bootstrap-3
// We can attach the `fileselect` event to all file inputs on the page
$(document).on('change', ':file', function() {
var input = $(this),
numFiles = input.get(0).files ? input.get(0).files.length : 1,
label = input.val().replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/.*\//, '');
input.trigger('fileselect', [numFiles, label]);
// We can watch for our custom `fileselect` event like this
$(document).ready(function() {
$(':file').on('fileselect', function(event, numFiles, label) {
var input = $(this).parent().prev().find(':text'),
log = numFiles > 1 ? numFiles + ' files selected' : label;
if (input.length) {
} else {
if (log) alert(log);
function _format_time_difference(seconds) {
var units = [
["year", 365*24*60*60],
["month", 30*24*60*60],
["week", 7*24*60*60],
["day", 24*60*60],
["hour", 60*60],
["minute", 60],
["second", 1]
var suffix = " ago";
var prefix = "";
if (seconds < 0) {
suffix = "";
prefix = "After ";
var parts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
var scale = units[i];
var m = (seconds / scale[1]) | 0;
if (m > 0) {
// N unit(s)
parts.push( m.toString() + " " + scale[0] + (m == 1 ? "" : "s") );
seconds -= m*scale[1];
return prefix + parts.join(" ") + suffix;
function _format_date(date) {
var pad = function (n) { return ("00" + n).slice(-2); }
var ymd = date.getFullYear() + "-" + pad(date.getMonth()+1) + "-" + pad(date.getDate());
var hm = pad(date.getHours()) + ":" + pad(date.getMinutes());
return ymd + " " + hm;
// Add title text to elements with data-timestamp attribute
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
var now_timestamp = (Date.now() / 1000) | 0; // UTC timestamp in seconds
var timestamp_targets = document.querySelectorAll('[data-timestamp]');
for (var i = 0; i < timestamp_targets.length; i++) {
var target = timestamp_targets[i];
var torrent_timestamp = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-timestamp'));
if (torrent_timestamp) {
var timedelta = now_timestamp - torrent_timestamp;
target.setAttribute('title', _format_time_difference(timedelta));
var asd = new Date(torrent_timestamp*1000);
console.log(torrent_timestamp, asd);
target.innerText = _format_date(asd);
var header_date = document.querySelector('.hdr-date');
if (header_date) {
header_date.setAttribute('title', 'In local time');
// Initialise markdown editors on page
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var markdownEditors = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.markdown-editor'));
markdownEditors.forEach(function (markdownEditor) {
var fieldName = markdownEditor.getAttribute('data-field-name');
var previewTabSelector = '#' + fieldName + '-preview-tab';
var targetSelector = '#' + fieldName + '-markdown-target';
var sourceSelector = markdownEditor.querySelector('.markdown-source');
var previewTabEl = markdownEditor.querySelector(previewTabSelector);
var targetEl = markdownEditor.querySelector(targetSelector);
previewTabEl.addEventListener('click', function () {
targetEl.innerHTML = marked(sourceSelector.value.trim(), { sanitize: true, breaks:true });
// This is the unminified version of the theme changer script in the layout.html @ line: 21
// ===========================================================
// if (typeof(Storage) !== 'undefined') {
// var bsThemeLink = document.getElementById('bsThemeLink');
// if (localStorage.getItem('theme') === 'dark') {
// setThemeDark();
// }
// function toggleDarkMode() {
// if (localStorage.getItem('theme') === 'dark') {
// setThemeLight();
// } else {
// setThemeDark();
// }
// }
// function setThemeDark() {
// bsThemeLink.href = '/static/css/bootstrap-dark.min.css';
// localStorage.setItem('theme', 'dark');
// }
// function setThemeLight() {
// bsThemeLink.href = '/static/css/bootstrap.min.css';
// localStorage.setItem('theme', 'light');
// }
// }