- {{ render_field(field, False, class_='form-control markdown-source') }}
+ {# Render this field manually, because we need to escape the inner text #}
+ {% if field.errors %}
+ {% if field.errors|length < 2 %}
+ {% for error in field.errors %}
+ {{ error }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% else %}
diff --git a/nyaa/templates/help.html b/nyaa/templates/help.html
index c8b4b81..64582fb 100644
--- a/nyaa/templates/help.html
+++ b/nyaa/templates/help.html
@@ -2,7 +2,64 @@
{% block title %}Help :: {{ config.SITE_NAME }}{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
Coming soon (tm)
+{% macro linkable_header(heading, label) %}
{{ heading }}
+{% endmacro %}
Using the Site
+{{ linkable_header("How to Download", "how-to-dl") }}
+ This site only offers torrent files and magnet links. To download the content of
+ the torrents, you will have to use a BitTorrent client such as qBitTorrent,
+ µTorrent, Transmission or Deluge.
+{{ linkable_header("Using the Search Function", "using-search") }}
+ You can combine search terms with the | operator, such as
+ horrible|cartel.
+ To exclude results matching a certain word, prefix them with -,
+ e.g. FFF -memesubs, which will return torrents with FFF in the
+ name, but not those which have memesubs in the name as well.
+ If you want to search for a several-word expression in its entirety, you can
+ surround searches with " (double quotes), such as
+ "foo bar", which would match torrents named foo bar but not
+ those named bar foo.
+ If you find a torrent that breaks the rules, click the
+ button to the right
+ of the torrent's information page. Then, enter a reason for your report in the
+ dialog that opens, and hit the button to confirm.
+{{ linkable_header("Styling Descriptions and Comments", "styling") }}
+ You can style your comments and your torrent's description using
+ Markdown
+ . This includes adding images or linking to external websites.
+ To link to an external site, use [label of link](https://example.com)
+ where the text in the [] square brackets is the shown text of your
+ link, and the URL in the () parentheses is the URL your link will
+ point to.
+ Embedding an image is similar. Use 
+ to have an image embedded in your comment or description. Note the !
+ exclamation mark at the beginning, denoting that this link is an image.
The search engine is located at the top right, and it allows users to search through the torrent titles available on the site. Results matching either word A or B can be included by typing a vertical bar between them (|). Results matching a certain word can be excluded by prefixing that word with a hyphen-minus (-). Phrases can be matched by surrounding them with double-quotes (). Search results can be filtered by category, remake, trusted, and/or A+ status, and then narrowed down further by age and size ranges as well as excluding specific users. Sorting can be done in ascending or descending order by date, amount of seeders/leechers/downloads, size, or name. The search engine adapts to the current view and makes it possible to search for specific torrents in a specific subcategory from a specific user.