import os import re DEBUG = True ###################### ## Maintenance mode ## ###################### # A read-only maintenance mode, in which the database is not modified MAINTENANCE_MODE = False # A maintenance message (used in layout.html template) MAINTENANCE_MODE_MESSAGE = 'Site is currently in read-only maintenance mode.' # Allow logging in during maintenance (without updating last login date) MAINTENANCE_MODE_LOGINS = True # Block *anonymous* uploads completely RAID_MODE_LIMIT_UPLOADS = False # Message prepended to the full error message ( RAID_MODE_UPLOADS_MESSAGE = 'Anonymous uploads are currently disabled.' # Require manual activation for newly registered accounts RAID_MODE_LIMIT_REGISTER = False # Message prepended to the full error message ( RAID_MODE_REGISTER_MESSAGE = 'Registration is currently being limited.' ############# ## General ## ############# # What the site identifies itself as. This affects templates, not database stuff. SITE_NAME = 'Nyaa' # What the both sites are labeled under (used for eg. email subjects) GLOBAL_SITE_NAME = '' # General prefix for running multiple sites, eg. most database tables are site-prefixed SITE_FLAVOR = 'nyaa' # 'nyaa' or 'sukebei' # Full external urls to both sites, used for site-change links EXTERNAL_URLS = {'fap':'***', 'main':'***'} # Secret keys for Flask CSRF_SESSION_KEY = '***' SECRET_KEY = '***' # Session cookie configuration SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'nyaav3_session' SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = True SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE = 'Lax' # Present a recaptcha for anonymous uploaders USE_RECAPTCHA = False # Require email validation USE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION = False # Use MySQL or Sqlite3 (mostly deprecated) USE_MYSQL = True # Show seeds/peers/completions in torrent list/page ENABLE_SHOW_STATS = True # Enable password recovery (by reset link to given email address) # Depends on email support! ALLOW_PASSWORD_RESET = True # A list of strings or compiled regexes to deny registering emails by. # Regexes will be .search()'d against emails, # while strings will be a simple 'string in email.lower()' check. # Leave empty to disable the blacklist. EMAIL_BLACKLIST = ( # Hotmail completely rejects "untrusted" emails, # so it's less of a headache to blacklist them as users can't receive the mails anyway. # (Hopefully) complete list of Microsoft email domains follows: re.compile(r'(?i)@hotmail\.(co|co\.uk|com|de|dk|eu|fr|it|net|org|se)'), re.compile(r'(?i)@live\.(co||com|de|dk|eu|fr|it|net|org|se|no)'), re.compile(r'(?i)@outlook\.(at|be|cl|co|co\.(id|il|nz|th)|com|com\.(ar|au|au|br|gr|pe|tr|vn)|cz|de|de|dk|dk|es|eu|fr|fr|hu|ie|in|it|it|jp|kr|lv|my|org|ph|pt|sa|se|sg|sk)'), re.compile(r'(?i)@(msn\.com|passport\.(com|net))'), # '' ) EMAIL_SERVER_BLACKLIST = ( # Bad mailserver IPs here (MX -> A > # '', '' ) # Recaptcha keys ( RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = '***' RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = '***' BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if USE_MYSQL: SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = ('mysql://test:test123@localhost/nyaav3?charset=utf8mb4') else: SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = ( 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'test.db') + '?check_same_thread=False') ########### ## EMAIL ## ########### # 'smtp' or 'mailgun' MAIL_BACKEND = 'mailgun' MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS = 'Sender Name ' # Mailgun settings MAILGUN_API_BASE = '' MAILGUN_API_KEY = 'YOUR_API_KEY' # SMTP settings SMTP_SERVER = '***' SMTP_PORT = 587 SMTP_USERNAME = '***' SMTP_PASSWORD = '***' # The maximum number of files a torrent can contain # until the site says "Too many files to display." MAX_FILES_VIEW = 1000 # Verify uploaded torrents have the given tracker in them? ENFORCE_MAIN_ANNOUNCE_URL = False MAIN_ANNOUNCE_URL = '' # Tracker API integration - don't mind this TRACKER_API_URL = '' TRACKER_API_AUTH = 'topsecret' ############# ## Account ## ############# # Limit torrent upload rate RATELIMIT_UPLOADS = True RATELIMIT_ACCOUNT_AGE = 7 * 24 * 3600 # After uploading MAX_UPLOAD_BURST torrents within UPLOAD_BURST_DURATION, # the following uploads must be at least UPLOAD_TIMEOUT seconds after the previous upload. MAX_UPLOAD_BURST = 5 UPLOAD_BURST_DURATION = 45 * 60 UPLOAD_TIMEOUT = 15 * 60 # Torrents uploaded without an account must be at least this big in total (bytes) # Set to 0 to disable MINIMUM_ANONYMOUS_TORRENT_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024 # Minimum age for an account not to be served a captcha (seconds) # Relies on USE_RECAPTCHA. Set to 0 to disable. ACCOUNT_RECAPTCHA_AGE = 7 * 24 * 3600 # A week # Seconds after which an IP is allowed to register another account # (0 disables the limitation) PER_IP_ACCOUNT_COOLDOWN = 24 * 3600 # Backup original .torrent uploads BACKUP_TORRENT_FOLDER = 'torrents' ############ ## Search ## ############ # How many results should a page contain. Applies to RSS as well. RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 75 # How many pages we'll return at most MAX_PAGES = 100 # How long and how many entries to cache for count queries COUNT_CACHE_SIZE = 256 COUNT_CACHE_DURATION = 30 # Use baked queries for database search USE_BAKED_SEARCH = False # Use better searching with ElasticSearch # See README.MD on setup! USE_ELASTIC_SEARCH = False # Highlight matches (for debugging) ENABLE_ELASTIC_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT = False # Max ES search results, do not set over 10000 ES_MAX_SEARCH_RESULT = 1000 # ES index name generally (nyaa or sukebei) ES_INDEX_NAME = SITE_FLAVOR # ES hosts ES_HOSTS = ['localhost:9200'] ################ ## Commenting ## ################ # Time limit for editing a comment after it has been posted (seconds) # Set to 0 to disable EDITING_TIME_LIMIT = 0 # Whether to use Gravatar or just always use the default avatar # (Useful if run as development instance behind NAT/firewall) ENABLE_GRAVATAR = True ########################## ## Trusted Requirements ## ########################## # Minimum number of uploads the user needs to have in order to apply for trusted TRUSTED_MIN_UPLOADS = 10 # Minimum number of cumulative downloads the user needs to have across their # torrents in order to apply for trusted TRUSTED_MIN_DOWNLOADS = 10000 # Number of days an applicant needs to wait before re-applying TRUSTED_REAPPLY_COOLDOWN = 90 ########### ## Cache ## ########### # Interesting types include "simple", "redis" and "uwsgi" # See CACHE_TYPE = "simple" # Maximum number of items the cache will store # Only applies to "simple" and "filesystem" cache types CACHE_THRESHOLD = 8192 # If you want to use redis, try this # CACHE_TYPE = "redis" # CACHE_REDIS_HOST = "" # CACHE_KEY_PREFIX = "catcache_" ############### ## Ratelimit ## ############### # To actually make this work across multiple worker processes, use redis # RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URL="redis://host:port" RATELIMIT_KEY_PREFIX="nyaaratelimit_"