{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block title %}Comments made by {{ user.username }} :: {{ config.SITE_NAME }}{% endblock %}
{% block meta_image %}{{ user.gravatar_url() }}{% endblock %}
{% block metatags %}
<meta property="og:description" content="Comments made by {{ user.username }}">
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
{% from "_formhelpers.html" import render_menu_with_button %}
{% from "_formhelpers.html" import render_field %}

	<span class="text-{{ user.userlevel_color }}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ user.userlevel_str }}">{{ user.username }}</span>'{{ '' if user.username[-1] == 's' else 's' }} comments

{% if comments_query.items %}
<div id="comments" class="panel panel-default">
	<div class="panel-heading">
		<h3 class="panel-title">
			Total of {{ comments_query.total }} comments
	{% for comment in comments_query.items %}
	<div class="panel panel-default comment-panel">
		<div class="panel-body">
			<div class="col-md-2">
					<a class="text-{{ comment.user.userlevel_color }}" href="{{ url_for('users.view_user', user_name=comment.user.username) }}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ comment.user.userlevel_str }}">{{ comment.user.username }}</a>
				<img class="avatar" src="{{ comment.user.gravatar_url() }}" alt="{{ comment.user.userlevel_str }}">
			<div class="col-md-10 comment">
				<div class="row comment-details">
					<a href="#com-{{ loop.index }}"><small data-timestamp-swap data-timestamp="{{ comment.created_utc_timestamp|int }}">{{ comment.created_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC') }}</small></a>
					{% if comment.edited_time %}
					<small data-timestamp-swap data-timestamp-title data-timestamp="{{ comment.edited_utc_timestamp }}" title="{{ comment.edited_time }}">(edited)</small>
					{% endif %}
					<small>on torrent <a href="{{ url_for('torrents.view', torrent_id=comment.torrent_id) }}">#{{comment.torrent_id}} <i>{{ comment.torrent.display_name }}</i></a></small>
					{# <div class="comment-actions">
						{% if g.user.id == comment.user_id and not comment.editing_limit_exceeded %}
						<button class="btn btn-xs edit-comment" title="Edit"{% if config.EDITING_TIME_LIMIT %} data-until="{{ comment.editable_until|int }}"{% endif %}>Edit</button>
						{% endif %}
						{% if g.user.is_moderator or g.user.id == comment.user_id %}
						<form class="delete-comment-form" action="{{ url_for('torrents.delete_comment', torrent_id=comment.torrent_id, comment_id=comment.id) }}" method="POST">
							<button name="submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" title="Delete">Delete</button>
						{% endif %}
					</div> #}
				<div class="row">
					{# Escape newlines into html entities because CF strips blank newlines #}
					<div markdown-text class="comment-content" id="torrent-comment{{ comment.id }}">{{- comment.text | escape | replace('\r\n', '\n') | replace('\n', '&#10;'|safe) -}}</div>

	{% endfor %}

{% else %}
<h3>No comments</h3>
{% endif %}

<div class="center">
	{% from "bootstrap/pagination.html" import render_pagination %}
	{{ render_pagination(comments_query) }}

{% endblock %}