mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:06:55 +02:00

...by repeating &u=user in the GET parameters. No UX for this yet. Reworks the RSS URL generator to fit with duplicated keys.
822 lines
28 KiB
822 lines
28 KiB
import math
import re
import shlex
import threading
import time
from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode
import flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import Pagination
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy_fulltext.modes as FullTextMode
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Q, Search
from sqlalchemy.ext import baked
from sqlalchemy_fulltext import FullTextSearch
from nyaa import models
from nyaa.extensions import db
app = flask.current_app
SERACH_PAGINATE_DISPLAY_MSG = ('Displaying results {start}-{end} out of {total} results.<br>\n'
'Please refine your search results if you can\'t find '
'what you were looking for.')
# Table-column index name cache for _get_index_name
# In format of {'table' : {'column_a':'ix_table_column_a'}}
_index_name_cache = {}
def _get_index_name(column):
''' Returns an index name for a given column, or None.
Only considers single-column indexes.
Results are cached in memory (until app restart). '''
column_table_name = column.class_.__table__.name
table_indexes = _index_name_cache.get(column_table_name)
if table_indexes is None:
# Load the real table schema from the database
# Fresh MetaData used to skip SQA's cache and get the real indexes on the database
table_indexes = {}
column_table = sqlalchemy.Table(column_table_name,
autoload=True, autoload_with=db.engine)
except sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError:
# Trust the developer to notice this?
for index in column_table.indexes:
# Only consider indexes with one column
if len(index.expressions) > 1:
index_column = index.expressions[0]
table_indexes[index_column.name] = index.name
_index_name_cache[column_table_name] = table_indexes
return table_indexes.get(column.name)
def _generate_query_string(term, category, filter, user_names):
params = []
if term:
params.append(('q', str(term)))
if category:
params.append(('c', str(category)))
if filter:
params.append(('f', str(filter)))
for name in user_names:
params.append(('u', name))
return urlencode(params, quote_via=quote)
# For preprocessing ES search terms in _parse_es_search_terms
QUOTED_LITERAL_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?i)(-)?"(.+?)"')
(-)? # Negate entire group at once
".+?" # First literal
\| # OR
".+?" # Second literal
)+ # repeating
''', re.X)
def _es_name_exact_phrase(literal):
''' Returns a Query for a phrase match on the display_name for a given literal '''
return Q({
'match_phrase': {
'display_name.exact': {
'query': literal,
'analyzer': 'exact_analyzer'
def _parse_es_search_terms(search, search_terms):
''' Parse search terms into a query with properly handled literal phrases
(the simple_query_string is not so great with exact results).
For example:
foo bar "hello world" -"exclude this"
will become a must simple_query_string for "foo bar", a must phrase_match for
"hello world" and a must_not for "exclude this".
Returns the search with the generated bool-query added to it. '''
# Literal must and must-not sets
must_set = set()
must_not_set = set()
must_or_groups = []
must_not_or_groups = []
def must_group_matcher(match):
''' Grabs [-]"foo"|"bar"[|"baz"...] groups from the search terms '''
negated = bool(match.group(1))
literal_group = match.group(2)
literals = QUOTED_LITERAL_REGEX.findall(literal_group)
group_query = Q(
should=[_es_name_exact_phrase(lit_m[1]) for lit_m in literals]
if negated:
# Remove the parsed group from search terms
return ''
def must_matcher(match):
''' Grabs [-]"foo" literals from the search terms '''
negated = bool(match.group(1))
literal = match.group(2)
if negated:
# Remove the parsed literal from search terms
return ''
# Remove quoted parts (optionally prepended with -) and store them in the sets
parsed_search_terms = QUOTED_LITERAL_GROUP_REGEX.sub(must_group_matcher, search_terms).strip()
parsed_search_terms = QUOTED_LITERAL_REGEX.sub(must_matcher, parsed_search_terms).strip()
# Create phrase matches (if any)
must_queries = [_es_name_exact_phrase(lit) for lit in must_set] + must_or_groups
must_not_queries = [_es_name_exact_phrase(lit) for lit in must_not_set] + must_not_or_groups
if parsed_search_terms:
# Normal text search without the quoted parts
# Query both fields, latter for words with >15 chars
fields=['display_name', 'display_name.fullword'],
if must_queries or must_not_queries:
# Create a combined Query with the positive and negative matches
combined_search_query = Q(
search = search.query(combined_search_query)
return search
def search_elastic(term='', user_ids=None, sort='id', order='desc',
category='0_0', quality_filter='0', page=1,
rss=False, admin=False, logged_in_user=None,
per_page=75, max_search_results=1000):
# This function can easily be memcached now
if page > 4294967295:
es_client = Elasticsearch(hosts=app.config['ES_HOSTS'])
es_sort_keys = {
'id': 'id',
'size': 'filesize',
# 'name': 'display_name', # This is slow and buggy
'comments': 'comment_count',
'seeders': 'seed_count',
'leechers': 'leech_count',
'downloads': 'download_count'
sort_ = sort.lower()
if sort_ not in es_sort_keys:
es_sort = es_sort_keys[sort]
order_keys = {
'desc': 'desc',
'asc': 'asc'
order_ = order.lower()
if order_ not in order_keys:
# Only allow ID, desc if RSS
if rss:
sort = es_sort_keys['id']
order = 'desc'
# funky, es sort is default asc, prefixed by '-' if desc
if 'desc' == order:
es_sort = '-' + es_sort
# Quality filter
quality_keys = [
'0', # Show all
'1', # No remakes
'2', # Only trusted
'3' # Only completed
if quality_filter.lower() not in quality_keys:
quality_filter = int(quality_filter)
# Category filter
main_category = None
sub_category = None
main_cat_id = 0
sub_cat_id = 0
if category:
cat_match = re.match(r'^(\d+)_(\d+)$', category)
if not cat_match:
main_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(1))
sub_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(2))
if main_cat_id > 0:
if sub_cat_id > 0:
sub_category = models.SubCategory.by_category_ids(main_cat_id, sub_cat_id)
if not sub_category:
main_category = models.MainCategory.by_id(main_cat_id)
if not main_category:
same_user = False
if logged_in_user:
same_user = len(user_ids) == 1 and logged_in_user.id in user_ids
s = Search(using=es_client, index=app.config.get('ES_INDEX_NAME')) # todo, sukebei prefix
# Apply search term
if term:
# Do some preprocessing on the search terms for literal "" matching
s = _parse_es_search_terms(s, term)
# User view (/user/username)
if user_ids:
s = s.filter('terms', uploader_id=user_ids)
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
s = s.filter('term', deleted=False)
# If logged in user is not the same as the user being viewed,
# show only torrents that aren't hidden or anonymous.
# If logged in user is the same as the user being viewed,
# show all torrents including hidden and anonymous ones.
# On RSS pages in user view, show only torrents that
# aren't hidden or anonymous no matter what
if not same_user or rss:
s = s.filter('term', hidden=False)
s = s.filter('term', anonymous=False)
# General view (homepage, general search view)
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
s = s.filter('term', deleted=False)
# If logged in, show all torrents that aren't hidden unless they belong to you
# On RSS pages, show all public torrents and nothing more.
if logged_in_user and not rss:
hiddenFilter = Q('term', hidden=False)
userFilter = Q('term', uploader_id=logged_in_user.id)
combinedFilter = hiddenFilter | userFilter
s = s.filter('bool', filter=[combinedFilter])
s = s.filter('term', hidden=False)
if main_category:
s = s.filter('term', main_category_id=main_cat_id)
elif sub_category:
s = s.filter('term', main_category_id=main_cat_id)
s = s.filter('term', sub_category_id=sub_cat_id)
if quality_filter == 0:
elif quality_filter == 1:
s = s.filter('term', remake=False)
elif quality_filter == 2:
s = s.filter('term', trusted=True)
elif quality_filter == 3:
s = s.filter('term', complete=True)
# Apply sort
s = s.sort(es_sort)
# Only show first RESULTS_PER_PAGE items for RSS
if rss:
s = s[0:per_page]
max_page = min(page, int(math.ceil(max_search_results / float(per_page))))
from_idx = (max_page - 1) * per_page
to_idx = min(max_search_results, max_page * per_page)
s = s[from_idx:to_idx]
highlight = app.config.get('ENABLE_ELASTIC_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT')
if highlight:
s = s.highlight_options(tags_schema='styled')
s = s.highlight("display_name")
# Return query, uncomment print line to debug query
# from pprint import pprint
# print(json.dumps(s.to_dict()))
return s.execute()
class QueryPairCaller(object):
''' Simple stupid class to filter one or more queries with the same args '''
def __init__(self, *items):
self.items = list(items)
def __getattr__(self, name):
# Create and return a wrapper that will call item.foobar(*args, **kwargs) for all items
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
for i in range(len(self.items)):
method = getattr(self.items[i], name)
if not callable(method):
raise Exception('Attribute %r is not callable' % method)
self.items[i] = method(*args, **kwargs)
return self
return wrapper
def search_db(term='', user_ids=None, sort='id', order='desc', category='0_0',
quality_filter='0', page=1, rss=False, admin=False,
logged_in_user=None, per_page=75):
if page > 4294967295:
MAX_PAGES = app.config.get("MAX_PAGES", 0)
same_user = False
if logged_in_user:
same_user = len(user_ids) == 1 and logged_in_user.id in user_ids
# Logged in users should always be able to view their full listing.
if same_user or admin:
if MAX_PAGES and page > MAX_PAGES:
flask.abort(flask.Response("You've exceeded the maximum number of pages. Please "
"make your search query less broad.", 403))
sort_keys = {
'id': models.Torrent.id,
'size': models.Torrent.filesize,
# Disable this because we disabled this in search_elastic, for the sake of consistency:
# 'name': models.Torrent.display_name,
'comments': models.Torrent.comment_count,
'seeders': models.Statistic.seed_count,
'leechers': models.Statistic.leech_count,
'downloads': models.Statistic.download_count
sort_column = sort_keys.get(sort.lower())
if sort_column is None:
order_keys = {
'desc': 'desc',
'asc': 'asc'
order_ = order.lower()
if order_ not in order_keys:
filter_keys = {
'0': None,
'1': (models.TorrentFlags.REMAKE, False),
'2': (models.TorrentFlags.TRUSTED, True),
'3': (models.TorrentFlags.COMPLETE, True)
sentinel = object()
filter_tuple = filter_keys.get(quality_filter.lower(), sentinel)
if filter_tuple is sentinel:
main_category = None
sub_category = None
main_cat_id = 0
sub_cat_id = 0
if category:
cat_match = re.match(r'^(\d+)_(\d+)$', category)
if not cat_match:
main_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(1))
sub_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(2))
if main_cat_id > 0:
if sub_cat_id > 0:
sub_category = models.SubCategory.by_category_ids(main_cat_id, sub_cat_id)
main_category = models.MainCategory.by_id(main_cat_id)
if not category:
# Force sort by id desc if rss
if rss:
sort_column = sort_keys['id']
order = 'desc'
model_class = models.TorrentNameSearch if term else models.Torrent
query = db.session.query(model_class)
# This is... eh. Optimize the COUNT() query since MySQL is bad at that.
# See http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_1/orm/query.html#sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.count
# Wrap the queries into the helper class to deduplicate code and apply filters to both in one go
count_query = db.session.query(sqlalchemy.func.count(model_class.id))
qpc = QueryPairCaller(query, count_query)
# User view (/user/username)
if user_ids:
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
# If logged in user is not the same as the user being viewed,
# show only torrents that aren't hidden or anonymous
# If logged in user is the same as the user being viewed,
# show all torrents including hidden and anonymous ones
# On RSS pages in user view,
# show only torrents that aren't hidden or anonymous no matter what
if not same_user or rss:
int(models.TorrentFlags.HIDDEN | models.TorrentFlags.ANONYMOUS)).is_(False))
# General view (homepage, general search view)
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
# If logged in, show all torrents that aren't hidden unless they belong to you
# On RSS pages, show all public torrents and nothing more.
if logged_in_user and not rss:
(models.Torrent.flags.op('&')(int(models.TorrentFlags.HIDDEN)).is_(False)) |
(models.Torrent.uploader_id == logged_in_user.id))
# Otherwise, show all torrents that aren't hidden
if main_category:
qpc.filter(models.Torrent.main_category_id == main_cat_id)
elif sub_category:
qpc.filter((models.Torrent.main_category_id == main_cat_id) &
(models.Torrent.sub_category_id == sub_cat_id))
if filter_tuple:
if term:
for item in shlex.split(term, posix=False):
if len(item) >= 2:
item, models.TorrentNameSearch, FullTextMode.NATURAL))
query, count_query = qpc.items
# Sort and order
if sort_column.class_ != models.Torrent:
index_name = _get_index_name(sort_column)
query = query.join(sort_column.class_)
query = query.with_hint(sort_column.class_, 'USE INDEX ({0})'.format(index_name))
query = query.order_by(getattr(sort_column, order)())
if rss:
query = query.limit(per_page)
query = query.paginate_faste(page, per_page=per_page, step=5, count_query=count_query,
return query
# Baked queries follow
class BakedPair(object):
def __init__(self, *items):
self.items = list(items)
def __iadd__(self, other):
for item in self.items:
item += other
return self
bakery = baked.bakery()
'id': models.Torrent.id,
'size': models.Torrent.filesize,
'comments': models.Torrent.comment_count,
'seeders': models.Statistic.seed_count,
'leechers': models.Statistic.leech_count,
'downloads': models.Statistic.download_count
'id-asc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.id.asc()),
'id-desc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.id.desc()),
'size-asc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.filesize.asc()),
'size-desc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.filesize.desc()),
'comments-asc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.comment_count.asc()),
'comments-desc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.comment_count.desc()),
# This is a bit stupid, but programmatically generating these mixed up the baked keys, so deal.
'seeders-asc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_seed_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.seed_count.asc(), models.Torrent.id.asc()),
'seeders-desc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_seed_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.seed_count.desc(), models.Torrent.id.desc()),
'leechers-asc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_leech_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.leech_count.asc(), models.Torrent.id.asc()),
'leechers-desc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_leech_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.leech_count.desc(), models.Torrent.id.desc()),
'downloads-asc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_download_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.download_count.asc(), models.Torrent.id.asc()),
'downloads-desc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_download_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.download_count.desc(), models.Torrent.id.desc()),
'0': None,
'1': lambda q: (
'2': lambda q: (
'3': lambda q: (
def search_db_baked(term='', user_ids=None, sort='id', order='desc', category='0_0',
quality_filter='0', page=1, rss=False, admin=False,
logged_in_user=None, per_page=75):
if page > 4294967295:
MAX_PAGES = app.config.get("MAX_PAGES", 0)
if MAX_PAGES and page > MAX_PAGES:
flask.abort(flask.Response("You've exceeded the maximum number of pages. Please "
"make your search query less broad.", 403))
sort_lambda = BAKED_SORT_LAMBDAS.get('{}-{}'.format(sort, order).lower())
if not sort_lambda:
sentinel = object()
filter_lambda = BAKED_FILTER_LAMBDAS.get(quality_filter.lower(), sentinel)
if filter_lambda is sentinel:
main_cat_id = 0
sub_cat_id = 0
if category:
cat_match = re.match(r'^(\d+)_(\d+)$', category)
if not cat_match:
main_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(1))
sub_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(2))
if main_cat_id > 0:
if sub_cat_id > 0:
sub_category = models.SubCategory.by_category_ids(main_cat_id, sub_cat_id)
if not sub_category:
main_category = models.MainCategory.by_id(main_cat_id)
if not main_category:
# Force sort by id desc if rss
if rss:
sort_lambda = BAKED_SORT_LAMBDAS['id-desc']
same_user = False
if logged_in_user:
same_user = len(user_ids) == 1 and logged_in_user.id in user_ids
if term:
query = bakery(lambda session: session.query(models.TorrentNameSearch))
count_query = bakery(lambda session: session.query(
query = bakery(lambda session: session.query(models.Torrent))
# This is... eh. Optimize the COUNT() query since MySQL is bad at that.
# See http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_1/orm/query.html#sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.count
# Wrap the queries into the helper class to deduplicate code and
# apply filters to both in one go
count_query = bakery(lambda session: session.query(
qpc = BakedPair(query, count_query)
bp = sqlalchemy.bindparam
baked_params = {}
# User view (/user/username)
if user_ids:
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(models.Torrent.uploader_id.in_(bp('user_ids', expanding=True)))
baked_params['user_ids'] = user_ids
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(models.Torrent.flags.op('&')
# If logged in user is not the same as the user being viewed,
# show only torrents that aren't hidden or anonymous
# If logged in user is the same as the user being viewed,
# show all torrents including hidden and anonymous ones
# On RSS pages in user view,
# show only torrents that aren't hidden or anonymous no matter what
if not same_user or rss:
qpc += lambda q: (
int(models.TorrentFlags.HIDDEN | models.TorrentFlags.ANONYMOUS)
# General view (homepage, general search view)
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(models.Torrent.flags.op('&')
# If logged in, show all torrents that aren't hidden unless they belong to you
# On RSS pages, show all public torrents and nothing more.
if logged_in_user and not rss:
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(
(models.Torrent.flags.op('&')(int(models.TorrentFlags.HIDDEN)).is_(False)) |
(models.Torrent.uploader_id == bp('logged_in_user'))
baked_params['logged_in_user'] = logged_in_user
# Otherwise, show all torrents that aren't hidden
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(models.Torrent.flags.op('&')
if sub_cat_id:
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(
(models.Torrent.main_category_id == bp('main_cat_id')),
(models.Torrent.sub_category_id == bp('sub_cat_id'))
baked_params['main_cat_id'] = main_cat_id
baked_params['sub_cat_id'] = sub_cat_id
elif main_cat_id:
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(models.Torrent.main_category_id == bp('main_cat_id'))
baked_params['main_cat_id'] = main_cat_id
if filter_lambda:
qpc += filter_lambda
if term:
raise Exception('Baked search does not support search terms')
# Sort and order
query += sort_lambda
if rss:
query += lambda q: q.limit(bp('per_page'))
baked_params['per_page'] = per_page
return query(db.session()).params(**baked_params).all()
return baked_paginate(query, count_query, baked_params,
page, per_page=per_page, step=5, max_page=MAX_PAGES)
class ShoddyLRU(object):
def __init__(self, max_entries=128, expiry=60):
self.max_entries = max_entries
self.expiry = expiry
# Contains [value, last_used, expires_at]
self.entries = {}
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._sentinel = object()
def get(self, key, default=None):
entry = self.entries.get(key)
if entry is None:
return default
now = time.time()
if now > entry[2]:
with self._lock:
del self.entries[key]
return default
entry[1] = now
return entry[0]
def put(self, key, value, expiry=None):
with self._lock:
overflow = len(self.entries) - self.max_entries
if overflow > 0:
# Pick the least recently used keys
removed_keys = [key for key, value in sorted(
self.entries.items(), key=lambda t:t[1][1])][:overflow]
for key in removed_keys:
del self.entries[key]
now = time.time()
self.entries[key] = [value, now, now + (expiry or self.expiry)]
LRU_CACHE = ShoddyLRU(256, 60)
def baked_paginate(query, count_query, params, page=1, per_page=50, max_page=None, step=5):
if page < 1:
if max_page and page > max_page:
bp = sqlalchemy.bindparam
ses = db.session()
# Count all items, use cache
if app.config['COUNT_CACHE_DURATION']:
query_key = (count_query._effective_key(ses), tuple(sorted(params.items())))
total_query_count = LRU_CACHE.get(query_key)
if total_query_count is None:
total_query_count = count_query(ses).params(**params).scalar()
LRU_CACHE.put(query_key, total_query_count, expiry=app.config['COUNT_CACHE_DURATION'])
total_query_count = count_query(ses).params(**params).scalar()
# Grab items on current page
query += lambda q: q.limit(bp('limit')).offset(bp('offset'))
params['limit'] = per_page
params['offset'] = (page - 1) * per_page
res = query(ses).params(**params)
items = res.all()
if max_page:
total_query_count = min(total_query_count, max_page * per_page)
# Handle case where we've had no results but then have some while in cache
total_query_count = max(total_query_count, len(items))
if not items and page != 1:
return Pagination(None, page, per_page, total_query_count, items)