mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:06:55 +02:00

* Implement upload ratelimit for non-trusted uploaders Users may upload X torrents in Y minutes after which they will have to wait Z minutes between uploads. * Show torrent period count when ratelimited * Only ratelimit new accounts
151 lines
4.7 KiB
151 lines
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import os.path
import re
from base64 import b32encode
from datetime import datetime
from email.utils import formatdate
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import flask
from werkzeug.urls import url_encode
from nyaa.backend import get_category_id_map
from nyaa.torrents import get_default_trackers
app = flask.current_app
bp = flask.Blueprint('template-utils', __name__)
_static_cache = {} # For static_cachebuster
# ######################## CONTEXT PROCESSORS ########################
# For processing ES links
def create_magnet_from_es_info():
def _create_magnet_from_es_info(display_name, info_hash, max_trackers=5, trackers=None):
if trackers is None:
trackers = get_default_trackers()
magnet_parts = [
('dn', display_name)
for tracker in trackers[:max_trackers]:
magnet_parts.append(('tr', tracker))
b32_info_hash = b32encode(bytes.fromhex(info_hash)).decode('utf-8')
return 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + b32_info_hash + '&' + urlencode(magnet_parts)
return dict(create_magnet_from_es_info=_create_magnet_from_es_info)
# ######################### TEMPLATE GLOBALS #########################
def static_cachebuster(filename):
""" Adds a ?t=<mtime> cachebuster to the given path, if the file exists.
Results are cached in memory and persist until app restart! """
# Instead of timestamps, we could use commit hashes (we already load it in __init__)
# But that'd mean every static resource would get cache busted. This lets unchanged items
# stay in the cache.
if app.debug:
# Do not bust cache on debug (helps debugging)
return flask.url_for('static', filename=filename)
# Get file mtime if not already cached.
if filename not in _static_cache:
file_path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, filename)
file_mtime = None
if os.path.exists(file_path):
file_mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(file_path))
_static_cache[filename] = file_mtime
return flask.url_for('static', filename=filename, t=_static_cache[filename])
def modify_query(**new_values):
args = flask.request.args.copy()
for key, value in new_values.items():
args[key] = value
return '{}?{}'.format(flask.request.path, url_encode(args))
def filter_truthy(input_list):
""" Jinja2 can't into list comprehension so this is for
the search_results.html template """
return [item for item in input_list if item]
def category_name(cat_id):
""" Given a category id (eg. 1_2), returns a category name (eg. Anime - English-translated) """
return ' - '.join(get_category_id_map().get(cat_id, ['???']))
# ######################### TEMPLATE FILTERS #########################
def get_utc_timestamp(datetime_str):
""" Returns a UTC POSIX timestamp, as seconds """
UTC_EPOCH = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
return int((datetime.strptime(datetime_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') - UTC_EPOCH).total_seconds())
def get_utc_timestamp_seconds(datetime_instance):
""" Returns a UTC POSIX timestamp, as seconds """
UTC_EPOCH = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
return int((datetime_instance - UTC_EPOCH).total_seconds())
def get_display_time(datetime_str):
return datetime.strptime(datetime_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
def _jinja2_filter_rfc822(date, fmt=None):
return formatdate(date.timestamp())
def _jinja2_filter_rfc822_es(datestr, fmt=None):
return formatdate(datetime.strptime(datestr, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').timestamp())
def timesince(dt, default='just now'):
Returns string representing "time since" e.g.
3 minutes ago, 5 hours ago etc.
Date and time (UTC) are returned if older than 1 day.
now = datetime.utcnow()
diff = now - dt
periods = (
(diff.days, 'day', 'days'),
(diff.seconds / 3600, 'hour', 'hours'),
(diff.seconds / 60, 'minute', 'minutes'),
(diff.seconds, 'second', 'seconds'),
if diff.days >= 1:
return dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC')
for period, singular, plural in periods:
if period >= 1:
return '%d %s ago' % (period, singular if int(period) == 1 else plural)
return default
def regex_replace(s, find, replace):
"""A non-optimal implementation of a regex filter"""
return re.sub(find, replace, s)