
823 lines
28 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

import math
import re
import shlex
import threading
import time
from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode
import flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import Pagination
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy_fulltext.modes as FullTextMode
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Q, Search
from sqlalchemy.ext import baked
from sqlalchemy_fulltext import FullTextSearch
from nyaa import models
from nyaa.extensions import db
app = flask.current_app
SERACH_PAGINATE_DISPLAY_MSG = ('Displaying results {start}-{end} out of {total} results.<br>\n'
'Please refine your search results if you can\'t find '
'what you were looking for.')
# Table-column index name cache for _get_index_name
# In format of {'table' : {'column_a':'ix_table_column_a'}}
_index_name_cache = {}
def _get_index_name(column):
''' Returns an index name for a given column, or None.
Only considers single-column indexes.
Results are cached in memory (until app restart). '''
column_table_name = column.class_.__table__.name
table_indexes = _index_name_cache.get(column_table_name)
if table_indexes is None:
# Load the real table schema from the database
# Fresh MetaData used to skip SQA's cache and get the real indexes on the database
table_indexes = {}
column_table = sqlalchemy.Table(column_table_name,
autoload=True, autoload_with=db.engine)
except sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError:
# Trust the developer to notice this?
for index in column_table.indexes:
# Only consider indexes with one column
if len(index.expressions) > 1:
index_column = index.expressions[0]
table_indexes[index_column.name] = index.name
_index_name_cache[column_table_name] = table_indexes
return table_indexes.get(column.name)
def _generate_query_string(term, category, filter, user_names):
params = []
if term:
params.append(('q', str(term)))
if category:
params.append(('c', str(category)))
if filter:
params.append(('f', str(filter)))
for name in user_names:
params.append(('u', name))
return urlencode(params, quote_via=quote)
# For preprocessing ES search terms in _parse_es_search_terms
QUOTED_LITERAL_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?i)(-)?"(.+?)"')
(-)? # Negate entire group at once
".+?" # First literal
\| # OR
".+?" # Second literal
)+ # repeating
''', re.X)
def _es_name_exact_phrase(literal):
''' Returns a Query for a phrase match on the display_name for a given literal '''
return Q({
'match_phrase': {
'display_name.exact': {
'query': literal,
'analyzer': 'exact_analyzer'
def _parse_es_search_terms(search, search_terms):
''' Parse search terms into a query with properly handled literal phrases
(the simple_query_string is not so great with exact results).
For example:
foo bar "hello world" -"exclude this"
will become a must simple_query_string for "foo bar", a must phrase_match for
"hello world" and a must_not for "exclude this".
Returns the search with the generated bool-query added to it. '''
# Literal must and must-not sets
must_set = set()
must_not_set = set()
must_or_groups = []
must_not_or_groups = []
def must_group_matcher(match):
''' Grabs [-]"foo"|"bar"[|"baz"...] groups from the search terms '''
negated = bool(match.group(1))
literal_group = match.group(2)
literals = QUOTED_LITERAL_REGEX.findall(literal_group)
group_query = Q(
should=[_es_name_exact_phrase(lit_m[1]) for lit_m in literals]
if negated:
# Remove the parsed group from search terms
return ''
def must_matcher(match):
''' Grabs [-]"foo" literals from the search terms '''
negated = bool(match.group(1))
literal = match.group(2)
if negated:
# Remove the parsed literal from search terms
return ''
# Remove quoted parts (optionally prepended with -) and store them in the sets
parsed_search_terms = QUOTED_LITERAL_GROUP_REGEX.sub(must_group_matcher, search_terms).strip()
parsed_search_terms = QUOTED_LITERAL_REGEX.sub(must_matcher, parsed_search_terms).strip()
# Create phrase matches (if any)
must_queries = [_es_name_exact_phrase(lit) for lit in must_set] + must_or_groups
must_not_queries = [_es_name_exact_phrase(lit) for lit in must_not_set] + must_not_or_groups
if parsed_search_terms:
# Normal text search without the quoted parts
# Query both fields, latter for words with >15 chars
fields=['display_name', 'display_name.fullword'],
if must_queries or must_not_queries:
# Create a combined Query with the positive and negative matches
combined_search_query = Q(
search = search.query(combined_search_query)
return search
def search_elastic(term='', user_ids=None, sort='id', order='desc',
category='0_0', quality_filter='0', page=1,
rss=False, admin=False, logged_in_user=None,
per_page=75, max_search_results=1000):
# This function can easily be memcached now
2017-09-19 01:32:45 +02:00
if page > 4294967295:
2018-07-10 08:26:23 +03:00
es_client = Elasticsearch(hosts=app.config['ES_HOSTS'])
es_sort_keys = {
'id': 'id',
'size': 'filesize',
# 'name': 'display_name', # This is slow and buggy
2017-05-27 21:37:26 +03:00
'comments': 'comment_count',
'seeders': 'seed_count',
'leechers': 'leech_count',
'downloads': 'download_count'
sort_ = sort.lower()
if sort_ not in es_sort_keys:
es_sort = es_sort_keys[sort]
order_keys = {
'desc': 'desc',
'asc': 'asc'
order_ = order.lower()
if order_ not in order_keys:
# Only allow ID, desc if RSS
if rss:
sort = es_sort_keys['id']
order = 'desc'
# funky, es sort is default asc, prefixed by '-' if desc
if 'desc' == order:
es_sort = '-' + es_sort
# Quality filter
quality_keys = [
'0', # Show all
'1', # No remakes
'2', # Only trusted
'3' # Only completed
if quality_filter.lower() not in quality_keys:
quality_filter = int(quality_filter)
# Category filter
main_category = None
sub_category = None
main_cat_id = 0
sub_cat_id = 0
if category:
cat_match = re.match(r'^(\d+)_(\d+)$', category)
if not cat_match:
main_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(1))
sub_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(2))
if main_cat_id > 0:
if sub_cat_id > 0:
sub_category = models.SubCategory.by_category_ids(main_cat_id, sub_cat_id)
if not sub_category:
main_category = models.MainCategory.by_id(main_cat_id)
if not main_category:
same_user = False
if logged_in_user:
same_user = len(user_ids) == 1 and logged_in_user.id in user_ids
s = Search(using=es_client, index=app.config.get('ES_INDEX_NAME')) # todo, sukebei prefix
# Apply search term
if term:
# Do some preprocessing on the search terms for literal "" matching
s = _parse_es_search_terms(s, term)
# User view (/user/username)
if user_ids:
s = s.filter('terms', uploader_id=user_ids)
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
s = s.filter('term', deleted=False)
# If logged in user is not the same as the user being viewed,
# show only torrents that aren't hidden or anonymous.
# If logged in user is the same as the user being viewed,
# show all torrents including hidden and anonymous ones.
# On RSS pages in user view, show only torrents that
# aren't hidden or anonymous no matter what
if not same_user or rss:
s = s.filter('term', hidden=False)
s = s.filter('term', anonymous=False)
# General view (homepage, general search view)
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
s = s.filter('term', deleted=False)
# If logged in, show all torrents that aren't hidden unless they belong to you
# On RSS pages, show all public torrents and nothing more.
if logged_in_user and not rss:
hiddenFilter = Q('term', hidden=False)
userFilter = Q('term', uploader_id=logged_in_user.id)
combinedFilter = hiddenFilter | userFilter
s = s.filter('bool', filter=[combinedFilter])
s = s.filter('term', hidden=False)
if main_category:
s = s.filter('term', main_category_id=main_cat_id)
elif sub_category:
s = s.filter('term', main_category_id=main_cat_id)
s = s.filter('term', sub_category_id=sub_cat_id)
if quality_filter == 0:
elif quality_filter == 1:
s = s.filter('term', remake=False)
elif quality_filter == 2:
s = s.filter('term', trusted=True)
elif quality_filter == 3:
s = s.filter('term', complete=True)
# Apply sort
s = s.sort(es_sort)
# Only show first RESULTS_PER_PAGE items for RSS
if rss:
s = s[0:per_page]
max_page = min(page, int(math.ceil(max_search_results / float(per_page))))
2017-05-16 12:47:06 +03:00
from_idx = (max_page - 1) * per_page
to_idx = min(max_search_results, max_page * per_page)
s = s[from_idx:to_idx]
highlight = app.config.get('ENABLE_ELASTIC_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT')
if highlight:
s = s.highlight_options(tags_schema='styled')
s = s.highlight("display_name")
# Return query, uncomment print line to debug query
# from pprint import pprint
# print(json.dumps(s.to_dict()))
return s.execute()
class QueryPairCaller(object):
''' Simple stupid class to filter one or more queries with the same args '''
def __init__(self, *items):
self.items = list(items)
def __getattr__(self, name):
# Create and return a wrapper that will call item.foobar(*args, **kwargs) for all items
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
for i in range(len(self.items)):
method = getattr(self.items[i], name)
if not callable(method):
raise Exception('Attribute %r is not callable' % method)
self.items[i] = method(*args, **kwargs)
return self
return wrapper
def search_db(term='', user_ids=None, sort='id', order='desc', category='0_0',
quality_filter='0', page=1, rss=False, admin=False,
logged_in_user=None, per_page=75):
2017-09-19 01:32:45 +02:00
if page > 4294967295:
MAX_PAGES = app.config.get("MAX_PAGES", 0)
same_user = False
if logged_in_user:
same_user = len(user_ids) == 1 and logged_in_user.id in user_ids
# Logged in users should always be able to view their full listing.
if same_user or admin:
if MAX_PAGES and page > MAX_PAGES:
flask.abort(flask.Response("You've exceeded the maximum number of pages. Please "
"make your search query less broad.", 403))
sort_keys = {
'id': models.Torrent.id,
'size': models.Torrent.filesize,
2017-05-16 12:52:48 +03:00
# Disable this because we disabled this in search_elastic, for the sake of consistency:
# 'name': models.Torrent.display_name,
'comments': models.Torrent.comment_count,
'seeders': models.Statistic.seed_count,
'leechers': models.Statistic.leech_count,
'downloads': models.Statistic.download_count
sort_column = sort_keys.get(sort.lower())
if sort_column is None:
order_keys = {
'desc': 'desc',
'asc': 'asc'
order_ = order.lower()
if order_ not in order_keys:
filter_keys = {
'0': None,
'1': (models.TorrentFlags.REMAKE, False),
'2': (models.TorrentFlags.TRUSTED, True),
'3': (models.TorrentFlags.COMPLETE, True)
sentinel = object()
filter_tuple = filter_keys.get(quality_filter.lower(), sentinel)
if filter_tuple is sentinel:
main_category = None
sub_category = None
main_cat_id = 0
sub_cat_id = 0
if category:
cat_match = re.match(r'^(\d+)_(\d+)$', category)
if not cat_match:
main_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(1))
sub_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(2))
if main_cat_id > 0:
if sub_cat_id > 0:
sub_category = models.SubCategory.by_category_ids(main_cat_id, sub_cat_id)
main_category = models.MainCategory.by_id(main_cat_id)
if not category:
# Force sort by id desc if rss
if rss:
sort_column = sort_keys['id']
order = 'desc'
model_class = models.TorrentNameSearch if term else models.Torrent
query = db.session.query(model_class)
# This is... eh. Optimize the COUNT() query since MySQL is bad at that.
# See http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_1/orm/query.html#sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.count
# Wrap the queries into the helper class to deduplicate code and apply filters to both in one go
count_query = db.session.query(sqlalchemy.func.count(model_class.id))
qpc = QueryPairCaller(query, count_query)
# User view (/user/username)
if user_ids:
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
2017-05-16 12:52:48 +03:00
# If logged in user is not the same as the user being viewed,
# show only torrents that aren't hidden or anonymous
# If logged in user is the same as the user being viewed,
# show all torrents including hidden and anonymous ones
# On RSS pages in user view,
# show only torrents that aren't hidden or anonymous no matter what
if not same_user or rss:
int(models.TorrentFlags.HIDDEN | models.TorrentFlags.ANONYMOUS)).is_(False))
# General view (homepage, general search view)
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
# If logged in, show all torrents that aren't hidden unless they belong to you
# On RSS pages, show all public torrents and nothing more.
if logged_in_user and not rss:
(models.Torrent.flags.op('&')(int(models.TorrentFlags.HIDDEN)).is_(False)) |
(models.Torrent.uploader_id == logged_in_user.id))
# Otherwise, show all torrents that aren't hidden
if main_category:
qpc.filter(models.Torrent.main_category_id == main_cat_id)
elif sub_category:
qpc.filter((models.Torrent.main_category_id == main_cat_id) &
(models.Torrent.sub_category_id == sub_cat_id))
if filter_tuple:
if term:
for item in shlex.split(term, posix=False):
if len(item) >= 2:
item, models.TorrentNameSearch, FullTextMode.NATURAL))
query, count_query = qpc.items
# Sort and order
if sort_column.class_ != models.Torrent:
index_name = _get_index_name(sort_column)
query = query.join(sort_column.class_)
query = query.with_hint(sort_column.class_, 'USE INDEX ({0})'.format(index_name))
query = query.order_by(getattr(sort_column, order)())
if rss:
query = query.limit(per_page)
query = query.paginate_faste(page, per_page=per_page, step=5, count_query=count_query,
return query
# Baked queries follow
class BakedPair(object):
def __init__(self, *items):
self.items = list(items)
def __iadd__(self, other):
for item in self.items:
item += other
return self
bakery = baked.bakery()
'id': models.Torrent.id,
'size': models.Torrent.filesize,
'comments': models.Torrent.comment_count,
'seeders': models.Statistic.seed_count,
'leechers': models.Statistic.leech_count,
'downloads': models.Statistic.download_count
'id-asc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.id.asc()),
'id-desc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.id.desc()),
'size-asc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.filesize.asc()),
'size-desc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.filesize.desc()),
'comments-asc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.comment_count.asc()),
'comments-desc': lambda q: q.order_by(models.Torrent.comment_count.desc()),
# This is a bit stupid, but programmatically generating these mixed up the baked keys, so deal.
'seeders-asc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_seed_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.seed_count.asc(), models.Torrent.id.asc()),
'seeders-desc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_seed_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.seed_count.desc(), models.Torrent.id.desc()),
'leechers-asc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_leech_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.leech_count.asc(), models.Torrent.id.asc()),
'leechers-desc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_leech_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.leech_count.desc(), models.Torrent.id.desc()),
'downloads-asc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_download_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.download_count.asc(), models.Torrent.id.asc()),
'downloads-desc': lambda q: q.join(models.Statistic).with_hint(
models.Statistic, 'USE INDEX (idx_nyaa_statistics_download_count)'
).order_by(models.Statistic.download_count.desc(), models.Torrent.id.desc()),
'0': None,
'1': lambda q: (
'2': lambda q: (
'3': lambda q: (
def search_db_baked(term='', user_ids=None, sort='id', order='desc', category='0_0',
quality_filter='0', page=1, rss=False, admin=False,
logged_in_user=None, per_page=75):
if page > 4294967295:
MAX_PAGES = app.config.get("MAX_PAGES", 0)
if MAX_PAGES and page > MAX_PAGES:
flask.abort(flask.Response("You've exceeded the maximum number of pages. Please "
"make your search query less broad.", 403))
sort_lambda = BAKED_SORT_LAMBDAS.get('{}-{}'.format(sort, order).lower())
if not sort_lambda:
sentinel = object()
filter_lambda = BAKED_FILTER_LAMBDAS.get(quality_filter.lower(), sentinel)
if filter_lambda is sentinel:
main_cat_id = 0
sub_cat_id = 0
if category:
cat_match = re.match(r'^(\d+)_(\d+)$', category)
if not cat_match:
main_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(1))
sub_cat_id = int(cat_match.group(2))
if main_cat_id > 0:
if sub_cat_id > 0:
sub_category = models.SubCategory.by_category_ids(main_cat_id, sub_cat_id)
if not sub_category:
main_category = models.MainCategory.by_id(main_cat_id)
if not main_category:
# Force sort by id desc if rss
if rss:
sort_lambda = BAKED_SORT_LAMBDAS['id-desc']
same_user = False
if logged_in_user:
same_user = len(user_ids) == 1 and logged_in_user.id in user_ids
if term:
query = bakery(lambda session: session.query(models.TorrentNameSearch))
count_query = bakery(lambda session: session.query(
query = bakery(lambda session: session.query(models.Torrent))
# This is... eh. Optimize the COUNT() query since MySQL is bad at that.
# See http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_1/orm/query.html#sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.count
# Wrap the queries into the helper class to deduplicate code and
# apply filters to both in one go
count_query = bakery(lambda session: session.query(
qpc = BakedPair(query, count_query)
bp = sqlalchemy.bindparam
baked_params = {}
# User view (/user/username)
if user_ids:
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(models.Torrent.uploader_id.in_(bp('user_ids', expanding=True)))
baked_params['user_ids'] = user_ids
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(models.Torrent.flags.op('&')
# If logged in user is not the same as the user being viewed,
# show only torrents that aren't hidden or anonymous
# If logged in user is the same as the user being viewed,
# show all torrents including hidden and anonymous ones
# On RSS pages in user view,
# show only torrents that aren't hidden or anonymous no matter what
if not same_user or rss:
qpc += lambda q: (
int(models.TorrentFlags.HIDDEN | models.TorrentFlags.ANONYMOUS)
# General view (homepage, general search view)
if not admin:
# Hide all DELETED torrents if regular user
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(models.Torrent.flags.op('&')
# If logged in, show all torrents that aren't hidden unless they belong to you
# On RSS pages, show all public torrents and nothing more.
if logged_in_user and not rss:
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(
(models.Torrent.flags.op('&')(int(models.TorrentFlags.HIDDEN)).is_(False)) |
(models.Torrent.uploader_id == bp('logged_in_user'))
baked_params['logged_in_user'] = logged_in_user
# Otherwise, show all torrents that aren't hidden
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(models.Torrent.flags.op('&')
if sub_cat_id:
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(
(models.Torrent.main_category_id == bp('main_cat_id')),
(models.Torrent.sub_category_id == bp('sub_cat_id'))
baked_params['main_cat_id'] = main_cat_id
baked_params['sub_cat_id'] = sub_cat_id
elif main_cat_id:
qpc += lambda q: q.filter(models.Torrent.main_category_id == bp('main_cat_id'))
baked_params['main_cat_id'] = main_cat_id
if filter_lambda:
qpc += filter_lambda
if term:
raise Exception('Baked search does not support search terms')
# Sort and order
query += sort_lambda
if rss:
query += lambda q: q.limit(bp('per_page'))
baked_params['per_page'] = per_page
return query(db.session()).params(**baked_params).all()
return baked_paginate(query, count_query, baked_params,
page, per_page=per_page, step=5, max_page=MAX_PAGES)
class ShoddyLRU(object):
def __init__(self, max_entries=128, expiry=60):
self.max_entries = max_entries
self.expiry = expiry
# Contains [value, last_used, expires_at]
self.entries = {}
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._sentinel = object()
def get(self, key, default=None):
entry = self.entries.get(key)
if entry is None:
return default
now = time.time()
if now > entry[2]:
with self._lock:
del self.entries[key]
return default
entry[1] = now
return entry[0]
def put(self, key, value, expiry=None):
with self._lock:
overflow = len(self.entries) - self.max_entries
if overflow > 0:
# Pick the least recently used keys
removed_keys = [key for key, value in sorted(
self.entries.items(), key=lambda t:t[1][1])][:overflow]
for key in removed_keys:
del self.entries[key]
now = time.time()
self.entries[key] = [value, now, now + (expiry or self.expiry)]
LRU_CACHE = ShoddyLRU(256, 60)
def baked_paginate(query, count_query, params, page=1, per_page=50, max_page=None, step=5):
if page < 1:
if max_page and page > max_page:
bp = sqlalchemy.bindparam
ses = db.session()
# Count all items, use cache
if app.config['COUNT_CACHE_DURATION']:
query_key = (count_query._effective_key(ses), tuple(sorted(params.items())))
total_query_count = LRU_CACHE.get(query_key)
if total_query_count is None:
total_query_count = count_query(ses).params(**params).scalar()
LRU_CACHE.put(query_key, total_query_count, expiry=app.config['COUNT_CACHE_DURATION'])
total_query_count = count_query(ses).params(**params).scalar()
# Grab items on current page
query += lambda q: q.limit(bp('limit')).offset(bp('offset'))
params['limit'] = per_page
params['offset'] = (page - 1) * per_page
res = query(ses).params(**params)
items = res.all()
if max_page:
total_query_count = min(total_query_count, max_page * per_page)
# Handle case where we've had no results but then have some while in cache
total_query_count = max(total_query_count, len(items))
if not items and page != 1:
return Pagination(None, page, per_page, total_query_count, items)